Video Games and Youth Violence Background Section: 1. Media violence is one of the major factors in real life violence. 2.Video games, television, and movies desensitize young people. 3. The average American household owns at least one form of electronic. 4. Excessive game playing is believed to cause aggressive type behavior. 5. Billions of dollars is spent on video games and accessories each year. 6. Parents are key in controlling media exposure. 7. The studies that link media violence and real life are inconclusive. The Media and Real-Life Violence Research Notes Article 1: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Hearing. Lanham, United States, Lanham: Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc, 2013. ProQuest. Web. 13 May 2013. 1. It hasnt been proven that video games cause violence. It is almost impossible to run experiments that prove games cause violence. 2. Todays active youth often consume violent media because it allows them to justify their own violent behavior. 3. Aggressive youth tend to be rejectected by their more social peers, therefore causing them to spend more time consuming media and playing video games. They tend to be friends with the same outcasts, which makes them act more aggressive. 4. Educating parents on media literacy programs to reduce exposure to media violence. 5. According to Bushman, video game violence is correlated with violence, just like smoking is correlated with lung cancer. 6. Video games allows youth to act out scripts that display aggressive behavior. 7. When individuals play violent games, they will likely experience feelings of aggression and thoughts. Article 2 Khimm, Suzy. "POW! CRACK! what we Know about Video Games and Violence (Posted 2013-01-17 15:45:07)." The Washington PostJan 17 2013. ProQuest. Web. 14 May 2013 1. Researchers began to study the effects of violence in media in the 1950s. 2. The Center On Media and Child Health website lists 368 different studies on television and movies and their relationship to violence and bullying. 3. Researchers concluded that desensitization could mean more acts of aggression towards others. 4. Playing violent video games causes aggressive children to act out and play more rough. 5. Mass shootings are always going to foster debate. 6.The study examined the level of game exposure for 227 juvenile offenders in Pennsylvania. The average offender had committed nearly nine serious acts of violence, such as gang fighting, hitting parents, or attacking another person in the prior year. Article 3. Reality Bytes: Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked. The Impact of Gaming. Henry Jenkins. `, 3 May, 2013 1. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry conclude that the effects of tv violence on children and teenagers may cause them to become numb or immune to the horror of violence, gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems, and imitate what they see. 2. Several policy changes could make significant strides toward reducing young peoples exposure to violence. 3. Real-life bullies can be virtual bullies as well, potential reason to play violent games. 4. The controversy surrounding games and violence, is harmful. It has led authorities to be more suspicious and hostile to kids who already feel like social outcasts. (Henry Jenkins) A