Shameless I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us. – Kinky Friedman Engage the Reader. Imagine waking up one day to a world that was completely opposite from the world we went to sleep in, gay people are now straight and straight people are now gay. Do you think the newly straight people would fight for the newly homosexual people’s rights? According to Peyton M. Craighill and Scott Clement, the reporters of Washington Post, there are half of the population of the United States say the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection give gays the right to marry, while forty one percent say it does not (for same-sex marriage) . This means America is the land of freedom, and most of the free people trust in the individual rights. However, the government is denying the right to marry of gay and lesbian even if they are upstanding citizens. I believe that marriage comes from true love, I believe in the natural rights. It is time to legalize same-sex marriage because everyone is equal. Equity Everyone deserves equal treatment. The civil rights and Constitution protect all man against discrimination. However, the government is denying the right to marry from gay and lesbian even if they are upstanding citizens. The United States Constitution specifies equality for all man; it affirms, “The fourteenth Constitutional amendment of the United States prohibits government from denying equal protection of the laws or due process of law to the citizens of the United States” (Constitution) . This guarantees there is no form of discrimination exists among the people. Therefore, gays and lesbians have the rights to obtain the same treatment under the protection of the Constitution of the United States. It is the natural right of the citizens. Even though the fourteenth amendment may not be specifically speaking of same-sex marriage, but it is saying for equality. It is not seem fair for some to have the benefits of marriages but other cannot. When the government is denying the benefit of marriage from same-sex couples, they are denying the power of the Constitution Additionally, article six of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has written, “everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.” (Human rights) . This Declaration of Human Rights existed before the present issues were relevant; it does not go for a specific issue but the good of all humans being. Moreover, the article number six goes straight for equality. Decades ago, mostly homosexual people had to face against the discrimination, and their recognition in the society would be a mess. Some of the cases still happen now; however, people start realizing about the individual rights and they accept homosexual as part of society. Somewhat, these gay and lesbian citizens do not receive what they deserve as a United States citizen. Making same-sex marriage illegal is discriminating toward those involved. Similarity, back then, during segregation period in United States histor