I think that Jesus is a great example when it comes to serving others. The stories he told and the life he lived showed his followers that serving others is selfless. There is no need for recognition. There is no need for fame and fortune to accompany this selfless act. We see actors and actresses on television traveling to foreign countries to "volunteer their time when most often it seems like they are only looking for good publicity. I've made it a point in my life to have the goal of being financially successful. I made this goal for myself years ago because I decided that I wanted to give back to my family, community, church, town, state, and country for the opportunities and blessings I have received. Although I could simply volunteer my time throughout my life to help others, which I have, I believe that having adequate funds could really help these various organizations really make a difference. An old African proverb states, "It takes a village to raise a child. Every person that has come in to my life has molded me in some way. Of course not every experience I have ever had has been joyful, but it has shaped me in numerous ways. It is our job as citizens to help those in need. Unfortunately, many stereotypes of the needy tend to affect the way we feel about them and change the way we want to serve them. However, I listened to a speaker named Michael Gallo, Ph.D., recently, and he spoke about helping others whenever we can. He said, "You should do it because it is the right thing to do. The balance between being financially successful and giving back is different for everyone. However, I feel that balance is sometimes only a state of mind. My grandparents adopted me when I was six months old. Because of their love and positivity that they always put in my life, I am extremely motivated to reach my goals of becoming an entrepreneur as well as constantly volunteering in all that I can. As I have volunteered throughou