Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in his Harvard dorm room in July of 2004. He created this social revolution as a way for his fellow college mates to connect with each other and learn about each other. Now, about ten years later, it has expanded into one of the most used websites in the world. From Tokyo to Berlin, California to Cairo, Mumbai to Brazil, everybody is using Facebook, even children. Is this a problem? Yes, although social media websites can be a great way to connect with other people, due to the negative effects they have on users who are children, these sites should be banned for anyone under the age of 13. The consequences are terrible and are not worth the pleasure they receive from these websites. According to, an estimated 10 % of children get bullied on a daily basis. Clearly, bullying is currently a huge issue for children, and all of these social media websites aren’t helping. It is now effortless for a bully to hurt someone since they can do it sitting on their couch and not to the victim’s face. For example, a recent story by USA Today stated that an anonymous Facebook user was posting pictures of kids from their school and writing hateful comments about them. Thinking about the miserable way the kids must have felt is definitely heartbreaking. And what’s worse is that the perpetrator is still anonymous. Acting like a mask for the bully, social media websites aid the harassing of children. Because they are children, they are frightened and intimidated by their bully and therefore will do nothing to stop him/her, forcing them to simply take the pain of being harassed. However, if they are over the age of 13, they are a bit more mature and are able to handle issues such as bullying. Facebook is not the only problem. Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler etc. are all websites that, according to California State University professor Larry Rosen, have a negative effect on the mental and psychologi