Denver International Airport - The Underneath In total area, Denver International Airport is the largest airport in the United States. Its located in the northwestern part of Denver, Colorado and is officially the fifth-busiest airport in the world. DIA is a large, lively airport, attracting many people, but theorists believe there is an even greater concept for this building -- one that lies beneath the soil. Under the liveliness of Denver International Airport, we believe there are sets of doomsday bunkers, a station for for the New World Order. The Denver International Airport opened its doors in January of 2006. It took 11 years of construction to make this huge airfield. The cost of it was a huge $4.8 billion, two billion more than what they initially estimated the total to be. At the time, many people were suspicious to why would the cost of this double? To those who didnt become suspicious became furious that Colorado had approved of a 4.8 billion dollar building. Colorados tax revenue totals at $8.5 million, their gross state product totals at $250 hundred-million. The people of Colorado were outraged because of the immense cost of this building. They would have a hard time paying off the debt of the airport along with all the other expenses taxes go toward. At this time, there were some other events that led to the fabrication of this conspiracy. At this time more ideas about the New World Order were surfacing. The New World Order is an organization, a secret group of sorts, that is composed of many wealthy people, powerful politicians, elites. This groups goal is to create a One World (or a New World) government, on that would affect and control the whole human race. (Adachi, 1) A major event concerning the New World Order at this time was the War on Drugs. This is a popular subject explains that the US government, specifically the CIA, is using this drug money to pay for the huge black projects. Theorists believe these proj