The piece of literature that I will be reviewing is a poem known by the name of "Funeral Blues" written by W.H. Auden. In the poem the narrator is speaking on the lost of a loved one on the day of the funeral. The narrator speaks on how nothing lasts forever, not even love and how the person who died, meant everything to them. The tone of poem was extremely somber and melancholy which set the mood for this specific event; the funeral. The theme of this poem is that, once you make someone your everything and then they leave, you are left with nothing but memories. I disagree with this way of thinking because nothing lasts forever and you should never put all of your eggs in one basket especially if it is temporary. Love comes with days of happiness and can soon turn into decades of sorrow when taken away. In the first line in the first stanza of the poem, the narrator begins by saying "Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone . I feel that the narrator was comparing the lost of a loved one to the flat line electronic monitor that measures someone's heartbeat, and when the man she was in love with died, her heart flat lined and she felt as if her entire world had came to a hault. In addition to the first stanza, she added "Silence the pianos with a muffled drum . Pianos are usually used for peaceful and soothing pieces of music and drums are often used for hectic and loud music. I feel that this is a metaphor for how quickly her life changed after she lost her loved one. Her life transitioned from Happy to dismal after he died. She put all of her happiness into this man and now she is left with nothing but the memories of his presence; empty. In the second stanza, the narrator begins to describe the setting of the funeral processional and states "Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policeman wear black cotton gloves . From this statement, I would assume that the man she lost was well kn