Imagine that you go to the store to buy something you need and you really like, suddenly someone appears and tells you that you cannot buy it. So you don't. Imagine that your favorite music artist just released a new album however you are not able to purchase or at least listen to it, do to the opinion of someone else that thinks that it is not appropriate for you. Who is better to tell what is appropriate for you, than you? That is what banning books it's about. Taking away the possibility from the others to learn and discover new things. It's taking away the possibility to expand your mind and to express yourself. Removing right from someone to read whatever he or she decides to read. Every good reader knows that books are the fount of ideas and thoughts and that ideas are really powerful. Reading can change minds. Change the way people think and how they see the world surrounds them. What people are not able to see is that change could be good for the society and that more and more people could get involved in certain situations that are happening around us if they were able to read some of the ideas that some banned books talked us about. Take the Hunger Games as an example. The book shows us what happens when the government takes control all over a society. Situation that is happening in different countries all over the world. Do we actually live in a country were people are supposed to be free to express themselves? Were people are able to read and writ whatever it comes out of their minds. It is written in The Canadian Character of Rights and Freedom that all the habitants have the right to have freedom of conscience and freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression. No need to say more, let's not question the law. A great example it's when parents decide what is appropriate for their children. Every parent has the right to decide what do they want their children to read. But the issue here it's that those parents seek t