"Three hundred dollars for a bedroom set. Why can't you just live at home?" This was my dad's startling remark when looking through the Pitt Bradford catalog for bedroom items. "Don't be stupid. This was my mom's remark about all of the freedom I would have. "Don't get fat. My sister, being a third year college student, gave me this intelligent advice. Most first-time college students are thrilled to be finally living on their own at college. Although they bear some minor similarities, living at home and living in a dorm are different because at home, it is cheaper, there is less responsibilities, and one has a healthier lifestyle. Choosing to live at home can ultimately save a student a large amount of money. This is important because being at home, one would never have to buy the things needed for everyday use. For example, when doing laundry, the detergent would always be there for use. At breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the meals would show up on the table without any effort and these meals are unlimited. Also, toiletries, towels, snacks, and kitchen utensils would be there as well. All the things needed for everyday use would be there without attempt. However, when living in a dorm, not only do those students have to pay for tuition and books but on top of that, those students also have to pay for the things they got for free at home. No longer will the laundry detergent be there like magic, the student will have to pay for laundry detergent. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner also need to be paid for but there is also a limit on how much one can eat a semester. Moving into a dorm will require the toiletries, towels, snacks, and kitchen utensils, to be bought. Furthermore, the idea of buying the things one needs, opens up a new concept of responsibility. Being at home, the responsibilities that one has are minor. At home all students will have their parents or guardian there to constantly point out the assignments that need to be