Throughout history, women have had to fight there way to be able to present themselves as individuals and gain their rights in society. In the novel The Awakening, written by Kate Chopin, the female characters face the challenge of meeting up to society's expectations during the Victorian Era and are constantly competing with, what Virginia Woolf calls, "the angel in the house . This "angel is the metaphorical figure of the female role that relays how a woman should, as Woolf wrote in "Professions for Women , "be sympathetic; be tender; flatter; deceive; ¦[and] above all, be pure . Rather than trying to kill the "Angel in the House , Chopin communicates the views of how various women react to the haunting expectation of this metaphorical figure by displaying how three very different female characters, Adele Rotignolle, Mademoiselle Reisz, and Edna Pontellier, individually react to this proclaimed angel image. Continuously preaching in her writings "Professions for Women , Woolf discusses many of the obstacles women face as they are pushed to act a certain way and demonstrate the "angel in the house , but there is always that one person who completely conforms to the metaphor and loves every aspect of the role they play; that person is Adele Rotignolle. Adele is well known for being a motherly-woman and is described as "the embodiment of every womanly grace and charm (Chopin 10). She adores her husband and three children as every woman should and lives purely for them. Spending all of her time sewing garments for her children and staying home to attend to her husband, Adele demonstrates the constant involvement she has with her family. Completely comparable to the angel in the house, Adele is "intensely sympathetic ¦. immensely charming ¦ utterly unselfish, she excelled in the difficult arts in family life [and] she sacrificed herself daily (Woolf). Any person would undoubtedly say that Adele Rotignolle is th