Advertisements have become a big part of society in the modernized world of today. When people look around the world, they can see all of the various advertisements not only on TVs and newspapers, but also on billboards, buses and walls of buildings. Advertising is an influential part of life and we can easily realize that it serves useful purposes for public and private manufacturers. Advertisements can either give consumers a great amount of knowledge about the products or just enough to make them want the products. Advertisements also help sell the products which keep the economy growing, but people should also be wary of how much they spend because they may not actually need every product that they want to purchase. To start with, advertisements provide consumers with knowledge about goods in a global market. When a new product is produced, people can be aware of them thanks to advertisements. With developing technology, these advertisements rapidly grab the attention of people. In addition, advertisements provide large incomes for TV stations and news organizations. People see lots of advertisements while they are watching a film or TV series, program directors are using these in popular shows to make money off the advertisements to fund their programs. Every year the Superbowl attracts millions of viewers, not just for the game but to watch it for the cool commercials which subconsciously makes them prefer or become more prone to what is being shown in those commercials over any other commercials of the year because they are special in the sense that they are only shown once every year. For example, I was influenced by the 2014 Microsoft Superbowl commercial, it was very inspirational in showing how far technology has gone and how it can help people in so many different aspects of life especially helping those who really need it to enjoy life. Somebody who lost the ability to speak can now speak through the advancement of techn