Introduction When we discuss the existence of an individual in life, health is probably the most important aspect of it. Without health it is difficult to comprehend for a person to continue surviving and sustain his generation. Different authors and organizations give various definitions of health. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that “ health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”1 This broadens the definition of health than simply putting it as when someone is sick. The Oxford Dictionary defines health as-“Soundness of body; that condition in which its functions are duly and efficiently discharged.”2 The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines health as-“the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially freedom from physical disease or pain.”3 When we speak about the wellness or well being of a person there are a couple of aspects that factor into it. We have emotional, physical, psychological, social, and spiritual wellness. All of them are interrelated and contribute to the general wells ness of an individual. Emotional wellness refers to the ability of a person to successfully express and manage his/her feelings. It enables people to cope with the stress of life, enduring relationships and accepting responsibilities for their actions. 4Maintaining positive intimate relationships has a positive effect on your well being. Physical wellness involves the treatment of illness and prevention of disease.5 It also encourages people to take responsibility for actions and choices they make that affect their health. Eating a healthy diet, physical exercise, avoiding harmful products such as tobacco and drugs etc. are important in preserving the well being of a person. Psychological wellness looks into the mental state of an individual6. It refers to the cognitive capability of a person to perform his/her duties and function properly in society. A person needs to have a sound mind to be productive and lead a normal life. Social wellness is important because we social beings by nature. We are around to interact with each other. Having good relationships with your family, neighbors, community and the environment is a plus for your health. Engaging actively in your community and taking measures to protect the environment contribute to your social wellness. Spiritual wellness helps you to find purpose and meaning of life. It gives a person a way to exercise his beliefs and values. It contributes for the fulfillment of your conscious mind. It provides you with comfort and peace to your soul. All the above aspects need to be met to some degree in order for a person to be successful in his/her endeavors and lead a normal life. Opposition To Health Care Reform Socialized Medicine This is a term used in the US to describe universal health care system. In such a system the government has huge hand in the regulation of health care, subsidizing care, determining costs for services, acting as an insurer and paying the expenses. Since, Americans have negative understanding of the term “socialism” such a model is not easily accepted by a large portion of the public. The term “socialized medicine “ was used in the 1940’s to equate it to socialism, and by extension to communism. Government involvement in health care was ardently opposed by the AMA which distributed posters to doctors with slogans such as "Socialized medicine ... will undermine the democratic form of government."7 According to T.R. Reid (The Healing of America, 2009). "The term ['socialized medicine'] was popularized by a public relations firm working for the American Medical Association in 1947 to disparage President Truman's proposal for a national health care system. It was a label, at the dawn of the cold war, meant to suggest that anybody advocating universal access to health care must be a communist. And the phrase has retained its political power for six decades."89 In the US the Veterans Health Administration, Military health care system, and the Indian Health Service are examples of such type of system. But such systems where the government has full c