
Basketball as a Discourse Community

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If someone asked you what was the first discourse community you can think of off the top of your head would basketball come to mind? There are a vast number of different kinds of discourse community all around us. Some of us could be considered affiliated with a type of discourse community without even knowing it. All of us have things that we have major interest in. Participating in activities and conversations with others could be labeled a "discourse community . Discourse communities are very important within regular communities, because it helps people meet new people that are interested in the same activities, helps form ideas in how to make the topic of interest better or how to solve it. Some people have limits and restrictions on what type of activities and groups are considered a discourse community. "How we communicate with people changes based on the audience or to whom you are talking to (12). When you are talking to your regular friends that you feel might not be in the same discourse community as yourself you might not use the same words that you might use with someone that you feel is in the same discourse community as you. We could also be put in many types of discourse communities especially being teens. But within each of the discourse activities and communities that you might be involved in your dialogue, and the "shortcut terms  you used to describe things will be different for each one. "Discourse is a sort of ˜identity kit' which comes complete with the appropriate costume and instructions on how to act, talk, and often write, so as  to take on a particular role that others will recognize  (Gee 526). Before a person can be fully accepted into a discourse community, the must fully learn its rules, norms and language. For example a basketball player took an artist to a gym and started talking to him describing what to do on plays the artist might get confused easily just because he doesn't know some of the vocabulary that comes in the discourse community of being a basketball player. Therefor the artist would not be included in that discourse community because he does not fit in. Someone who has not

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