In today's world there are many middle-aged people struggling with debt. These person have bachelor degrees and successful jobs but is still struggling with money problems. Now the instresting question is why. These people had to take out large loans to pay off and already ridicuoulsy high tution at whatever college they went to. Despite having a good education they are still struggling to make ends meet. The governor wants to double tution and to this I say no because it would be cruel and unfair. My reasons for saying no is that college college admissions rates will drop, the govt collects enough money and those with significant income should help meet the budget. College tuition is already at an all time high and students are struggling to pay it. Most students already have to take out different loans with increasingly high interest rate just to complete four years of college. If the tuition was doubled students would choose not to go and instead find themselves at a dead-end fast food job. The prospect of having to pay off debts till old age or debts would scare any future student away. This would in turn hurt the state and the economy because the state needs young hard-working people with an education to run their various industries. Therefore doubling the tuition would only hurt the state in the long run. New York state has one of the highest tax rates in the world. This covers everything from groceries to real estate. That means that the state collects a substantial amount of money. The redistribution of this money should be monitored more closely so that one person or industry does not hold a lot of it. If the amount of taxes the state collect was carefully monitored and properly distributed then NYS would not be struggling to meet the budget. In other countries around the world there is no tuition and free education for everyone and these countries do not have the revenue that NYS has. This means that NYS is not using their f