In Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney, Heorot hall is a place where the warriors gather to drink, sing and even tell stories about their days. Heorot hall is a cheerful and upbeat place that resembles the happiness and light throughout the entire poem. As Grendel comes into the poem darkness appears and clashes with the light of Heorot hall. The importance of these two settings is that it allows for the mood of the poem to be set. These two different settings create obstacles throughout the poem, which allow for major events to happen. Since the darkness settled in upon the light of Denmark, Beowulf must fight back against Grendel. The light of Heorot and the darkness of Grendel both come together to create the mood and theme throughout the entire poem. King Hrothgar created Heorot hall because he wanted a place where everyone could gather and share happiness. He didn't want anything ordinary; he wanted something extravagant that would shine with light. Heorot hall was definitely what King Hrothgar hoped it would be. It carries a great amount of importance through the poem because it is the reason why Grendel showed up. Grendel first heard the men when they were singing in Heorot hall. "It harrowed him to hear the din of the loud banquet every day in the hall (Beowulf 87). This proves that Grendel did hear the men within the hall, and that it frustrated him. This simple act happened because of Heorot hall, and the many events that followed after were based off of Grendel's first experience with Heorot hall. Grendel resembled darkness because he brought troubles and violence into a place that was full of happiness and light. The darkness contrasts with Heorot hall and forces the men to fight back for their happiness. Grendel crept around Heorot hall during the depth of the nights, when it was the darkest. He worked with the darkness so he could hide and create a creepier atmosphere for the men. The darkness of the poem was seen