
The Conseuences of Stress in the Workplace

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Abstract Employees have to balance work and life. If not it can cause them to become burnout and dissatisfied with their current job. Work related stress impact an employee work and their personal lives. Work related stress can cause employees to fail to meet demands and deadlines and can lead to employee burnout. Employee stress and burnout is an increasing concern for many companies. Employee stress could be positive or negative. Some individuals within an organization feel they can perform better when they are stressed and under a lot of pressure. Some feel that they do their best work under pressure. Then you have those employees that dont perform well under pressure. There have been a number of studies performed on work-related stress. This paper will focus on the impact that stress has in the workplace and attempt to explore different theories concerning the impact that stress will have within the workplace addressing the issue of employee burnout. The Impact of Stress Within the Workplace There are organizations that have to change in order to achieve greater productivity. Many studies have shown that organizational changes can sometimes be disappointing for the employee and the organization. Many employees do not like change and cant adapt well to change. When employees hear about a change some tend to become scared and fearful of their jobs. Oftentimes when organizations change, there is a high turnover for employee retirement because employees who have been there a long time resist change and rather retire than adapt to a change. Beer and Nohria (2000) stated there is about 30% success in implementing organizational change. Oftentimes when companies change the employee has to change the way things were normally handled. Organizational change can cause employees current workloads to increase while they are trying to adapt to change. Schweiger and DeNisi (1991) pointed out organizational change could be viewed as one of the greatest stress in an employee life while they are working. Organizational changes can also cause employees to become stressful from the new demands relating to an organizational change. According to Doby and Captain (1995) changes in an organization will produce some insecurity, dissatisfaction and concern among employees that have long-term effects on employee attitudes and psychology. There are some employees that have been in jobs for long periods of time feel change gives them a sense of uncertainty for their futures because they feel they cant adapt to change which can cause stress for them. When employees feel stress, it can affect their job satisfaction and security. Some employees feel a sense of threat when there is an organizational change because they feel someone else may be able to come in and do their job better than them. When employees are exposed to stressful situations it also tends to cause them to develop fears of failure. When employees feel overwhelmed with work, it can cause them to become less productive and less effective in doing their job. It can also cause absenteeism and high turnover because the employee feels that they are not doing their job productively and it gives them a sense a low self-esteem. There are employees who feel pressure at work and also feel pressure at home and they are not able to balance work and life which can cause stress at home and at work. Job stress can be threatening or demanding. It can cause your work be overwhelming and cause you to feel like you are under a lot of pressure. When there is stress within the workplace, it can lead to problems that may cause you to fall behind in your work. There are employees that feel there work is never good enough for their supervisors. Supervisors have to from time to time let their employees know that they are doing a good job and they appreciate all the hard work they are doing. When employees are recognized for their good works and talents, it tends to give them the incentive to want to do more and appreciate their job more. Many employees are faced with occupational stress which is similar to work related stress. Occupational stress is when you are working a job that you are not familiar with and it is not what you are capable or use to doing. It is a new experience for you. When a person goes to a new job for the first time especially when they are trying something new, it can cause them to be stressed until they learn the job. There are employees that work stressful jobs because they have no other alternative and this can also cause stress. Occupational stress can be a challenge to employees mentally and physically. When worker are stressed, it can make them become unhealthy, less productive and unmotivated to work. An organization cant be productive and successful if they have workers that are stressed and unproductive while working causing their level of performance to be low as well as their motivational level. Stress can cause employees to miss a lot of d

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