Life in general is not fair, however, most people try to live a life in justice by following morals and ethics. Ethics are rules created and written by institutions, groups or culture to protect our society. For instance, the doctors and lawyers have to promise to follow the ethical code for their profession without concern about their feelings or desire. Morals are also regulations influenced by culture or society, but are personal ideologies that are made by individual beliefs. Some individuals have not remorse or regrets, and some people can distinct the good from bad, because of beliefs in something bigger above them, and they live in peace and joy and not by the ethics. Carrie Barker, Warren Buffett, and Martin Luther King Jr. have spoken about ethics and moral in their master pieces, but in total different ways. For instance, Barkers story will show us how ethics and moral affect the private life. Warren Buffetts article explain how the public life will be disturb by the one-sided ethics and no morals. And not to forget Martin Luther King Jr. speech, which is a combination of his private morals and dreams, which he was able to create them as public ethics. First of all, the student Carrie Barker is the winner of the W. W. Norton Writers Prize in 2010 for her essay But two negatives equal a positive in which besides of gender, home and family thematic, it points out how ethic and morals influences the authors own life. In this story, the author refuses to accept the surprising pregnancy by asking herself How will Scott react? What will people think? What are we going to do? I tried to put myself in his shoes. We . . . will there continue to be a we? I just didnt know . . . (137). This inner conflict are highlighting her inner fears, which brings confusion in her true morality, with which she usually acts upon. At that moment, all worries about what other people might think about her situation are more valuable than following her inner morality of making the right choice. Her fears also releases her worries about her marriage. She questions if this unplanned pregnancy would destroy her marriage because of her lack of faith in her ethics. If she remembered her ethics she would not have all these fears. Equally important is Barkers belief that: She lives in a time where women can choose. She doesnt have to blindly accept whatever card life throws her. She considered all her options; she feels too often people try to control every aspect of their lives. Thats not life, thats a spreadsheet. The bumps in the road are there to teach things about life, about adversity, about herself. (141) This citation brings up the ethical and moral conflict by being pro-life vice versa being pro-choice, which are rules made by our society, or to decide to stay loyal to her own morals and focus on the future of her family. Fortunately, she choose to keep the baby since she decide to let go of her fear