
The True Coward in The Odyssey

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In the Odyssey by Homer there is a powerful soldier by the name of Odysseus who has just won the Trojan War. After he returns home he sees what grief the suitors have put upon his family. His family consists of his wife Penelope and his son Telemokhos. Telemokhos finally realizes after a couple years how upset his mother is about the suitors trying take her heart from Odysseus. Telemakhos decides he must stand up to the suitors in honor of his father. Even though Telemakhos is starting to take advantage of the power his father has shown him, he is still very cowardly. Telemakhos is realizing the power he poses. Telemakhos is helping his father kill the suitors when Telemakhos tells his father to spare one mans life. In this moment Odysseus says “Courage; my son has dug you out and saved you./ ” (421, line 418). In this quote, Odysseus believes his son has the same amount of courage as he does. Telemakhos stood up to his father and what he believed was the right thing to do. In the quote Odysseus uses the word “dug” By saying this it could mean one of two things. He could mean he dug him out of Odysseus’ hatred, or it could mean that Telemakhos has dug Medon out of all the suitors and chosen him to spare. Odysseus feels like he cannot let his son down by not saving Medon. Telemakhos starting to realize the power he actually possesses. His father also starts to realize this, and respects his choices and follows them as well. Telemakhos is starting to use his power more. When Odysseus says “Take it to heart, and pass the word along:/ fair dealing brings more profit in the end.” it says that Odysseus believes everyone should know that his son is now more powerful. “Pass the word along,” shows that Odysseus wants other people to start to realize that Telemokhos isn’t a child anymore. He is coming to power and Odysseus wants them to realize it. He wants people to fear him but respect him at the same time for saving th

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