The darkness cloaking the streets of the small, lonely town of Bath was only penetrated now and then by the small pools of light casted by the lamp posts. If one were to look out their window, they would only see one figure, who was pulling his coat around himself tighter with every second step. Christopher Mulholland quickened his pace as another icy gust found its way through the crevices in his jacket and ran down his back, leaving goosebumps in its wake. I hope I find an inn before I have to wake some poor family up in the middle of the night to beg for a warm place to stay, he thought to himself solemnly. He was about to do just that when a small sign caught his eye in the darkness. It read, Bed and Breakfast. He smiled a relieved grin and hesitantly knocked on the door, worried about waking someone up. He had waited for a few minutes before a short old landlady swung the door open wide and a warm breath of air caressed his numb face. Come right on in, She told him with a pleasant smile, It looks dreadfully cold outside. You mustn't get yourself sick! Thank you very much, He earnestly replied to her welcome hospitality, putting his coat, hat, and gloves on the coat rack before squatting in front of the fireplace in order to rub some feeling back into his hands. A squat dachshund waddled over to him and he patted it on the head before accepting the hot tea the landlady offered to him. You must be awfully tired, the landlady offered, Shall I show you to your room? Yes, please. I should like to retire soon. He said, stifling a yawn. He slowly stood up with protesting joints and followed the landlady up to the fourth floor, where she flung open the last door on the right with a flourish. Here is where you may rest. This is the best room in the house, and I should hope you are comfortable with it. Do not hesitate to ask for me, no matter the time. It is no trouble at all. She flashed him another sweet smile before bustling out of the room, ushering the dog out as she went and closing the door behind her. He fell into the bed, only pausing to fling his shoes off and take one last sip of tea before closing his eyes. Sighing contentedly, he fell asleep within seconds. He awoke to streaming sunlight in his eyes and the c