
The Nature and Function of Literature

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The nature and the function of literature must be correlative. The history of aesthetics might almost be summarized as a dialectic in which the thesis and counterthesis are Horace's dulce and utile: poetry is sweet and useful. Told that poetry is "play", we fell that justice has been done neither to the care, skill, and planning of the artist nor to the seriousness and importance of the poem; but told that poetry is "work" or "craft" we feel the violence done to its joy and what Kant called its "purposelessness". We must describe the function of art in such a way as to do justice at one to the dulce and the utile. It is probable that all art is "sweet" and "useful" to its appropriate users. Another point of importance: Has literature a function, or functions? In practice, literature can obviously take the place of many things, for example: it can be used by the historian as a social document. One contemprorary line asserts the use and seriousness of poetry by finding that poetry conveys knowledge - a kind of knowledge. Poetry is a form of knowledge. Aristotle had seemed to say something like that in his famous dictum that poetry is more philosophical than history, since history "relates things which have happened, poetry such as might happen." It remains to consider those conceptions of the function of literature clustered about the word "catharsis." The function of literature, some say, is to relieve us - either writers of readers - from the pressure of emotions. And the spectator of a tragedy or the reader of a novel is also said to experience release and relief. Emotions represented in literature are, neither for writer nor for reader, the same emotions in "real life". To conclude: using the word, we say, poetry has many possible functions. Its prime and shief function is fidelity to its own nature Literature as functional, unstable and ideology-related term One can think of literature as some inherent quality or set of qualities displayed by certain kinds of writing all the way from Beowulf to Virginia Woolf, rather than a number of ways in which people relate themselves to writing. It would not be easy to isolate some constant set of inherent features. Perhaps literature means something like the opposite: any kind of writing which for some reason somebody values. As philoso

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