
The Chewing Tobacco Habit

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You pull it out of your pocket, slap it a few times, open it, put your finger in it, grab a big piece of it, put it in your mouth, rearrange it with your tongue, and then spit out the excess. It was the summer before 8th grade year; my cousin Matt, and I were pounding fence posts on the ranch by Stuart. We looked in the compartment of the 4-wheeler for a pair of fencing pliers. We found the half broken fencing pliers but also found a half full can of dried out, two year old Copenhagen Long Cut Wintergreen. We were scared to try it, but all the other employees at the ranch did it so it couldn't hurt me right? Then the habit began, we finished the half-full can of Copenhagen Long Cut Wintergreen later on that night. Instantly we wanted another can. We called up Ryan, Matt's older brother, to get us some more. Ryan said he would only do it if we promised not to tell our parents, and paid him ten dollars for the can. Matt and I, being young and dumb, took Ryan up on the offer! The next day after work we were both mad because it seems that every time we would tighten the barbed wire we would break the whole strand. My uncle Mike was not a fan of patching broken fences, he preferred that we restring the wire anytime that we broke it. After twelve hours of fixing our mistakes from the past week of building fence, there was nothing more satisfying than throwing a ˜swamp nugget' (an overly large dip). Using smokeless tobacco, dip, snuff, or chew is by no means a good habit. My cousin Matt quit a few months later. I continued using and abusing smokeless tobacco. Now that I have used smokeless tobacco for 5 years its much harder to quit. I actually quit for about 6 months before my junior year of high school because my parents started to really get on my case, but then my mom moved to Arizona and the move was not easy for me. I was heartbroken that my mom would move to get married, so began chewing again. I tried to use the infamous "e-cig  for my nicotine fix and stop-using chew, however, I failed miserably. It is much harder to quit than people think. A lot of people believe you can "cold turkey , but you get very agitated and start going through withdrawals. I used the ˜e-cig' for about 3 days and switched back to chew. The e-cig was unsuccessful. Although I still got my nicotine fix I wanted something in my lip. Eventually my parents found out, the first time the found out was when I was 14 years old. They found it hiding between my mattress and my box spring. My parents were beyond mad. First, they took my stockpile of cans and tore apart my r

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