
Animal Testing and Animal Rights

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Animal experimentation is known as a “modern” controversial topic, but it actually dates back to 1628 (“Animal Rights Timeline”). It has been a problem for a long time and not only in the USA. Social Issues In America states, “at least three identifiable positions, each involving an overlap of social, cultural, political, and philosophical concerns” (133). There are many different views on this subject and all of them are relevant to the problem at hand. Animal testing should be stopped globally because it is morally wrong, it kills the animals, and it goes against animal rights. Animal experimentation goes against the morals of humanity. In the book, Encyclopedia of Science Technology and Ethics, the moral objections of animal exploitation and experimentation are discussed. Mitcham states, “The traditional defense against moral objections to animal research was to deny that animals possess the capacity for morally relevant experiences” (73). The scientific experiments that include animals for test subjects are known to put the scientists in a troubling situation. They may start to feel awkward or like they have done something wrong. “... Others admit to struggling with their natural inclination to empathize with the creatures” (74). Morals are a big part of a person’s life and it reflects what their personality is like, depending on the daily actions that they take. Hurting or killing animals should be thought of as the same as killing or hurting a human being, the penalties are just not the same. Testing on animals lead to many animal deaths. Many people think that the testing is harmless, they are wrong. “About Animal Testing” states, “More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, and food experiments” (3). Every year more and more animals are getting hurt or killed due to testing. Many people believe the animals do not feel pain and say it is okay to harm inno

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