
The Ideal Female Image

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The discretion for deciding what is allowed when exploiting women in the media has slowly become nonexistent today. There is an overwhelming amount of men in today's youth that practice disrespectful behaviors towards women because of the lack of respect females are given. The upcoming generation of women has created an image that allows themselves to be treated as objects because of their devotedness to society's unrealistic beauty standards. These issues are extremely evident through the popularity of promiscuous activity today and promoting it through what women wear, how they act, and what is allowed on televisions, computers and social networking. People of all ages can see that various modern forms of media are promoting an increase of sexual behavior to viewers. The value of Sex and relationships is slowly diminishing because women are exploited more extremely today than anytime ever before. Only women can fix the issue by no longer allowing their image to be exploited, which is destroying any respect people have for relationships, families, and the future generations to come. Promiscuity in men may cheapen love but can sharpen thought while promiscuous women are like an illness. They show a loss in identity for themselves and the destruction of their body and fellow women (Camille Paglia. Frost Meditations. Women that sleep around end up losing all that is feminine and idealistic about them. Womankind is supposed to be the backbone of society but they are letting that expectation backfire by failing to meet their natural standards. They are expected to be the sex that brings life to humankind and assumes the natural motherly responsibilities that follow but they are blinded by what the world is telling them to unnaturally become. Promiscuity in woman originates by the way that they view themselves and their worth as a female. Some women's self esteem is so low that they will involve themselves in sexual relations with a man because their peers tell them that their self worth revolves around who will sleep with them. The present day media causes this pressure and it is skewing women's opinions of themselves and the females around them. Everything about American culture is telling girls to be sexier and that the world demands that from them. This expectation poisons female's minds and uses it against them. Females are natural caregivers who aim to please but they are being brainwashed into trying to please their peers by dressing provocatively and giving themselves to any man who is suitable for a one-night stand. Their expectations are beginning to revolve around sexual exploitation that is causing behavioral trends to carry on into adulthood. Young women are trying so hard to please others and meet expectations that they are destroying their image and losing the ability to eventually complete their natural places in life successfully. Modern day women no longer value their responsibilities and they are failing to fulfill their duties as mothers, wives, and role models to younger women. Women argue that men are impregnating young mothers and not fulfilling their fatherly roles, but this problem is easily avoidable by the woman. If they weren't living promiscuous lifestyles than the problem of having children out of wedlock with non-existent fathers would disperse. Woman with multiple children from multiple fathers would not be complaining about needing child support from either the father of their child or the government. If women are the backbone of society than they need better judgment on sexual relationships and presenting themselves in a more ideal way so that they can create a sense of respect in the eyes of males and for themselves. It is up to women to control sexual behaviors because of their weaker sex drive than males. Women are naturally more temperamental when it comes to giving up their reproductive parts to a male that they are attracted to. "Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context," says Edward O. Laumann, PhD, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and lead author of a major survey of sexual practices, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Laumann believes than the male mind focuses more time on sex and that they seek intercourse more avidly than females (Richard Sine. Sex Drive: How do men and women compare. . Men are not forced to have sex by their minds but naturally it is more difficult to resist the urges than it is for females. These behaviors make it imperative for females to respect themselves and reduce the availability of promisuous sex for the larger perc

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