
Intelligence Test and Gifted Requirements

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The Gifted program exists to provide more academic opportunities for those who qualify as “gifted.”  “’Gifted means performing or demonstrating the potential for performing at significantly higher levels of accomplishment in one or more academic fields due to intellectual ability, when compared to others of similar age, experience, and environment’”  (Quoted in “Gifted”).  In order to make it into the program the student must show higher intellectual ability than the average student at his or her age, but what determines that factor?  The student must take a multidimensional test and score in the 98th percentile.  However, the most weighted part of the test remains an average IQ test.  Intelligence test scores should not be the primary qualification for admittance into the gifted program.  They should not remain the primary qualification because it allows the minorities and the economically disadvantaged to be underrepresented, it proves insufficient when compared to other means of testing, and it fails to accurately reflect a student’s intelligence.   Despite the criticism presented here, many still believe that the average IQ test qualifies as enough for a student to gain admittance.  Looking back on the Gifted Program’s history, passing the average IQ test with a score above 130 was the only qualification or requirement to gain admittance into the program.  Many believed that this caused no harm; therefore, the IQ test remains sufficient today.  Also, although there are other and more efficient ways of testing the students, the IQ test does provide useful information that should and does contribute to the decision of whether or not a student gains admittance.  It shows a student’s learning style, and also their strengths and weaknesses in learning (Kuttler 2).  Many think that this valuable information proves that the IQ test is enough to enter the program, like the Norton Community High School gifted facilitator, Nancy Sebelius.  She states, “In my 24 years as a gifted facilitator, there have been a handful, (3-5) students whose IQ tests did not accurately reflect their intelligence.”  She also informed that if a student is close to making the cut, they are given a second test in a year or two (Sebelius 1). Intelligence tests should not remain the primary qualification to gain admittance in the gifted program because it allows minorities and the economically disadvan

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