In the beginning of the 21st century, civilization had begun to adapt the use of technology into our daily life, even to the point where we socialize with each other virtually. Humans are known for being social organisms, from the beginning of humanity to the present. Society began to communicate with each other and create order and culture. Now social media sites are becoming more common amongst this current generation, with kids as young as 10 to adults as old as 90 using websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap chat. Humanity is living a technological culture. The Internet has been known for altering the course of humanity because one of its abilities is to connect all of humanity in the speed of a single click to any social website. Since the beginning of social media, there have been some very negative effects on the social interaction between people, the physiology of the human mind, as well the neurologic effects we experience. The Internet itself has proven to be an invention that might have sparked the new era of technology. With the ability to deliver information across the globe in matters of second and build connections with those either 50 feet away or 50 miles away. According to researchers, 2.9 billion people uses the internet every day. The use of social media sites have shown to be just as popular as the internet with around 1.47 billion people using social media sites every day. With the average user spending nearly 3.2 hours on those social media sites this has led to a new addiction affecting this current generation. Of those 2.9 billion Internet users, 11% or 22 million people are suffering from a new type of addiction call Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) or Problematic Internet Use (PIU). One of symptoms that have been linked to IAD is Cyber Relationship Addiction, meaning those who are addicted to social networking, chat rooms, texting, and emailing to the point where online friends become more important