In modern society , people are being careful in thinking place to live.There are two options for whom are looking for new place living in a small town and a big city.Both of these have advantages and advantages.Living in a small town gives a person's sense of peace while living in a big city provides hustle and bustle.At the first glance, it seems extremely different; however it also exists some things are similar. There is a lot of difference between living in a small town and living in a big city. People like big cities because they can find all facilities and conveniences there.In a big city,people have more choices of public transportation such as buses,taxis,train as well as light rail transport.However,people live in small town just have taxis and buses.Most of them have to use their own transports like car ,motorbike,bicycle. Furthermore,people who live in small town usually diver long distance to commute to work.It means that they have to pay more money and time because of living far away from their work. Big city is not only convenient for public transport but also high satisfy with quality of others services such as insurance, hospital, doctor, education...There are many kinds of hospital include private and public.It has specialize-hospital as cardiovascular hospital, ENT ( ear,nose,throat) hospital or tuberculosis whereas small town do not have. A big city is central of entertainment because its population is in high density.Therefore,the demand of entertainment is indispensable.There are so many recreational facilitates such as bar,club,game centre,cinema, shopping-centre and so on.People always have a great time after a week working in one of these places.They have many choices and do not have to worried about lack of the place to go or full places.However,if you live in a small town, you might feel hoary hence you go to the same place many times in your life.It will become no interested because you knew exactly how wa