Informatics is a broad field that comprises of computing technology and development of different relations to the social world and human beings. It involves science applications, art and social problems. As a result, several authors have published book as they attempt to explain informatics to the general public. For instance, "Hadoop is a popular book in modern day. It is considered software under the industry-standards of Big Data. Besides, a reader begins without knowledge but finishes the book having understood Hadoop as well as its uses. This book has been split into sixteen chapters with a total of 628 pages. Additionally, Tom White has not limited himself to Hadoop but still enables the reader understand Hadoop. He also talks about the ecosystem and Hadoop products. For example, he talks about Sqoop, HBase, Pig, and ZooKeeper. Besides, the book ends with a case study. Here it shows Hadoop usage in some situations that would rather be considered impossible or difficult to use Hadoop. Moreover, Tom White chose to use the term weather data. Initially, this was confusing but a reader understands his choice of word progressively. This book's third edition was published in 2012. Therefore, some of the statistics included are outdated currently. This means that the book is related to informatics because it provides broad knowledge of computer technologies. It even gives elaborate examples on their use. Additionally, an individual understands how to solve specific problems after reading Hadoop. As a result, it is an ideal book for programmers who analyze data by size. It is also useful for administrators that use Hadoop to solve their computer problems. Hadoop involves applications and computation through a practical and scientific approach. This makes the program relevant to informatics as it adds to computer science. As a result, more people are using technology hence more information that needs to be stored. In summary, Hadoop is a book that enables its readers to build and maintain scalable, reliable and distributed systems. The book begins by explaining data sizes. Evidently, data sizes are increasingly large as people use a lot of data. For instance, Facebook has over ten thousand users who post photos and that have to be put in storage (White, p. 14). This trend cannot be compared to that in 2006. This is because there more people using technology hence more information that needs to be stored. Besides, individuals use more digital stream. Therefore, Microsoft needs to archive all the information an individual provides. For example, documents, phone calls and emails are captured electronically and then stored for access in the future. This results to a large data volume. In brief, Hadoop considers the large increase in data volume as more people provide information that Microsoft needs to archive. MapReduce is another concept that involves programming model used in data processing. Although the model appears simple, it is not so simple in its application. Interestingly, MapReduce can run programs that are written in diverse languages (White, p. 17). It is also needs to be inherently paral