It is said that all synthetic propositions are empirical hypotheses. Unfortunately, there is a flaw in the theory. Speculative knowledge has two specific types being questions of tested fact and questions of value. Questions of value are no doubt a product of synthetic propositions but it cannot be a hypothesis. Seeing that ethics and aesthetics are related to speculative knowledge the theory at question cannot to true. Although the idea of synthetic propositions being an empirical hypothesis is not completely valid we can still define the meaning of value in judgments. Everyone has a different idea of what is of more value. Value is not scientific but simple expression of emotions to which everyone reacts differently. The basic system of ethics has been generalized as being one whole meaning ethics has one idea but that is simply not true. Ethical contents may be classified in four categories, the first being judgments that define definitions into ethical terms. The second category may be a proposition depicting phenomena based a moral experience. The third is persuading one to have moral virtue and lastly there are ethical judgments. Clearly each separate classification is distinctively different but still ethical philosophers reject the idea of ethical content being more than one baud classification. However Ethical philosophers have looked into the idea of finding a few words that could condense all the ethical terms we have into a few fundamental terms or nonethical terms. Two particular groups of ethical philosophers known as subjectivists and the utilitarian have tried to describe ethical terms into nonethical terms. Subjectivists define the rightness of an action through feelings of happiness or pleasure. Subjectivists take the approach of feeling of approval in terms of how a person or a group of people feel about you. The Subject idea of something being right because it is generally approved is very one sided. Not everyone'