
Looking for a Solution to the Obesity Epidemic

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Abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in body cells that influence badly on heath are defined as obesity and overweight. Obesity may increase the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, cancers and osteoarthritis and many non-communicable diseases. The easiest way to determine the obesity is by calculating your body mass index (BMI), the ratio of your weight to your height. Adults with a BMI of 25 or higher are considered overweight; with a BMI of 30 or higher, they’re considered obese. There are many young people who are obese since 1980. Younger people’s diet has become unbalanced due to independence from their families. So in that case adolescent obesity is major problem in the world. Evidence based practice is integration of the best available evidences to take correct decisions. It is important to ensure correct answers and decisions and it is a scientific application for any field. Development of the nursing profession the evidence based practice is more important. Through evidence based practice, nurses can ensure that patients receive the care that fits their needs, can make proper decision, minimize risk to the patient, improve benefits, improve skills and knowledge used to evaluate healthcare literature and practice, to expose gaps in knowledge and conflicts in evidence, to selects interventions that suits more to a patient . As it reduces the risk to the patient and ensures that the patient receives care based on research nurses do not need to think about consequences. So the application of evidence based practice ensures the scientific application in nursing care. In evidence based practice following steps are followed. Create the question, this involves identifying clinical problems and additional concerns to form a question. Gather research, this means collecting various information needed to solve the problem. Analyze the findings, in this step collected information is analyzed and evaluated. Implement treatment, by this step a treatment plan is created using research information. Last step is the Re-examining of all previous actions and evaluating plan was effective. Retrieved from:http://www.hsph.

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