Everyone has to travel in order to get to their desired destination. Fortunately, there are many transportation methods all over the world today in order to make it easier. However, using the car or a bus are the top two most commonly used transportation. Sometimes using only one of the two may be more convenient than the other. Here are some pros and cons of each! Choosing to travel with a car to your destination will most likely cause a significant amount of damage to the Earths atmosphere than a bus would have. There can be an amount of twelve people all on one bus together instead of twelve people each in an individual car. There is a way in which a car can act as a bus and that way is known as Carpooling. Carpooling is when more than one individual is riding in one car in order to get to a location. Although both of these methods can cause pollution either way, simply using the bus or the carpooling method reduces the amount of environment damage all around. Buses can also be extremely fuel-efficient, which fits well along in the environment. In my opinion, buses would have to be the winner in this section! Another difference would be that the prices of paying for use of a car is for more expensive than paying for a bus pass that would last any individual a year. Would you rather pay for auto repairs, replacement parts or even a whole car itself and pay for gas for life or would you rather buy a bus pass or pay around a dollar to get taken to wherever you please? Some people have chosen to take the bus because it is inexpensive and some have chosen to take it because they have no choice but to. Its true they both may cause a lot of money, but you can do the math. Some people would much rather prefer cars even though they know that it is more expensive and this could be because its less stressful for others. Buses cause stress for others and cars cause stress for others. A car driver can experience stress most of the time whil