John Oakhurst is a very interesting character, he is a very strong, well reserved man and a great leader. Yet at the same time he is the weakest of the outcasts. Mr. Oakhurst is full of contradiction, hence why he is very interesting. Oakhurst is a wise and good leader. “Uncle Billy was sober enough to recognize in Mr. Oakhurst’s kick a superior power that would not bear trifling”, in other words Oakhurst was not a man to mess with. He understood the predicament the outcasts were in before any of the others “Oakhurst seldom troubled himself with sentiment, still less with propriety; but he had a vague idea that the situation was not fortunate”, he then decided what they should do and did a good job of doing it. John does all that he can to protect the other outcasts, especially the children. He decided they should move on alone, then that failed so he kept them safe, got them fire-wood, and rationed the food equally. He even built snow shoes for Tom so he could try to get help. John kept everyone in order and set on their primary goal, surviving. John is also a very intelligent, well-mannered, and an all around good-hearted man. He always kept himself clean and organized, “He bestirred himself in dusting his black clothes, washing his hands and face, and other acts characteristic of his studiously neat habits”. John also doesn’t drink, as he believed it interfered with his profession and lifestyle. “The thought of deserting his weaker and more pitiable companions never perhaps occurred to him.” The quote alone shows how kind of a man he is, especially for a gambler. Going back to what I said in the previous paragraph, he put the other outcasts before himself and took great care of them. Oakhurst is a great gambler which takes a lot of skill and intelligence, he was one of the best in Poker Flat and often robbed people of their money through gambling. This leads me to my next topic. Oakhurst wasn’t perfect. Lik