The guest presenter of the religion 373 was a Jewish Cantor name Russell Jayne and his official title is Cantor Russell Jayne. A Jewish Cantor is the person who leads the congregation in prayer along with the rabbi (head priest). Musicology He explains that the music plays a big role in the Jewish prayer services. During the presentation he mainly explained the modal framework of Ashkenazi prayer music. His Ashkenazi prayer music is the conservative movement, conserving the historical aspect of the music prayer service. There are many different congregations are sung, but Russell Jayne explains his is the Eastern European Ashkenazi prayer services and there are many different methods out in the world. To become a Jewish Cantor, Cantor Russell Jayne, had to go to school for 4 years. Also he has to spend 1 year to learn/study each mode section (holiday) song prayer which can be up to a 3 day event. Even though it takes so long to become a Cantor Russell Jayne explains in traditional there only 3 major scales: adonai malach, ahavah rabbah, magen avot. Magen avot is like a minor, a very sad tone of sound. Ahavah rabbah is a very joyous tune and very simple, like "the little dummer boy . Adonai malachis more complicated but is like a major scale with a bit of minor scale mix into it. With these few scales, the doxology, the music expressing devotion is a bit lacking in the traditional Jewish service. That is why there are many different ways the prayers are sung to fully express the lyrics of the prayers. Example of this is one of the opening of the prayer sung in a new way, sound a lot more magnificent and really conveys how great the lord is, even if you don't understand what the lyrics means. But with the traditional way, depend on what day of year and time of the day, it will be open with one of three scale mention earlier. And when thing about how each scale as mention a minor or a joyful tone doesn't really show how great and magnif