There is nothing more important in human relationships than trust. Trust is a fundamental value in human life. Its trust that sets boundaries, defines protocols, and keeps healthy relationships moving forward. Without it, there is no base or foundation for a relationship to progress. A child trusts that his or her parents will feed them, clothe them, and comfort them. Spiritual leaders trust God's benevolence towards humankind. In all facets of life, the greatest stabilizing force is the act of developing mutual trust between us. Even though religion is not identical to trust, it is in close relation to it (Haught 147). Through this paper, I will use examples to illustrate how religion reassures us and brings forth confidence in us that shape our lives when we are in bad situation. Religion does not only give us a guarantee, but it gives us confidence again. Through life, there are trials and tribulations that weigh upon our ability to trust. If we as humans were incapable of the ability to "forgive and forget we would be too scared to have relationships with the people around us. We always open our hearts to trust again, even though we risk our hearts to the chance of getting hurt. Religion provides us ultimate reassurance (Haught 148). It helps is understand that there is a point of recovery and that everything will be alright through the stories from the beginning of time ”creation story. Religion uses symbols, myths, rituals, stories to point us to a sacred reality. The way religion reassures us is through stories about the beginning of things-- how things came to be. An example that Haught gives us is the creation story from genesis: "In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water. Then God commanded, ˜Let there be light' ”and light appeared. God was pleased w