
Duck Dynasty - In the Deep, Deep South

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Think to yourself, how many reality shows air on television that men and women can enjoy watching with their children? If there is a television show today that successfully combines entertainment and education, while remaining attractive and appropriate to a diverse audience, it is the pop-culture show Duck Dynasty. This program has become one of the most prevailing shows in the country, surpassing many other hit shows with ratings through the roof. Duck Dynasty has formed its own image in reality TV by expressing to viewers of all ages a different kind of wisdom that teaches about family values and morals through real life situations. Duck Dynasty has aired long enough to be known inherently as a social show that moves away from focusing on one type of audience; teenage girls. I think that Duck Dynasty is underrated and fresh. It has a simple plot around a small niche in America that most people mislabel. An audience member was recorded stating, "Yes, it is a reality show, and yes there are typical scripted bits as there are with all reality shows. However, it is a breath of fresh air that rings with the majority of Americans that have been force-fed to you for far too long. There is a massive culture out there that unfortunately doesn't mesh well with your narrow minded, cocktail party view of the world  (Horn, 2). The show is dynamic, intriguing and appealing on a mass scale. The producers of Duck Dynasty make sure this is a culturally diverse show that never slips away from teaching people about the truths of Southern life. Duck Dynasty films the lives of the Robertson family, giving detail by detail the lives of the family that turned a duck call family business into a multi-million dollar company. After becoming loaded with overbearing amounts of wealth, Willie, Jase, and Jep prove to loyal fans on their show that family is their number one priority. Teaching their families and viewers about hunting, duck calls, and living an everyday lifestyle of what it takes to become truly successful in the world. To become daring enough to lose everything and know that things will turn out positive. To be okay with failing and knowing that towards the finish, everything will succeed. Fans agree when stated, "Any man who would turn down the NFL to be true to himself and the direction he wanted for his life, and then still end up a millionaire is a shining example of why it is so important to teach kids to not just sell out for money, but rather find ways to make money doing what you love! We all laugh at the various scenes and situations, and enjoy the inside jokes and sayings we have adopted from the show. If you are looking for a humorous, family-friendly show, this is a winner  (Arthur, 3). The Robertson's put family and God before everything, as stated by Willie Robertson: "My advice is: Don't take yourself too seriously, laugh a lot, enjoy your time with family, and appreciate the unique talents of others. Trust in God, love your neighbor, say you're sorry, forgive, and work hard. Sit down to a good meal, turn off your cell phone, and respect your elders  (Arthur, 3). Family is most important becaus

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