Wilde presents both Cecily and Gwendolen quite similarly in Act 2 due to the fact that both are fixated on the idea of marrying a man named ‘Ernest’. The conversations in the beginning of the second act between Gwendolen and Cecily are conveyed as being polite and friendly. This is evident in the line ‘Something tells me we are going to be great friends’. Wilde uses dramatic irony in this speech as it contradicts what happens after Gwendolen finds out about Cecily marrying ‘Ernest’ in which they become the total opposite of ‘friends’. The witty exchanges between Gwendolen and Cecily at the tea table highlight Wilde’s portrayal of Aristocratic women in the late 19th century. Wilde presents changes in tone in with the conversation between Gwendolen and Cecily as both women exchange rude and witty comments to each other in a polite and complaisant manner, this is due to the fact that both want to keep civilized in front of the servants as they know that it is not woman like to quarrel in front of the employed help. This is noticeable in the line ‘Are there any interesting walks in the vicinity, Miss Cardew?’. One could suggest that the formal address of the second name highlights the falsely civil nature that both Gwendolen and Cecily hold. The fact that the first name has been replaced by the last name indicates a change in behavior and expresses the growing social distance. The reference to the last names also signify their developing irritation with each other. Wilde presents conversations between Gwendolen and Cecily through the use of rivalries. The fact that both women dispute by highlighting each others intelligence and wit highlights Wilde’s idea of rivals, however one could argue that Gwendolen and Cecily and more similar then they are different. The use of wit and satire in the exchanges between the women are apparent in the line “When i see a spade, i call it a spade”. Cecily uses this phrase in ord