The Lagrangian points, or simply Lagrange points are a set of points within a 2-bodied system where certain orbitary and gravitational phenomena occur. A Langrange set between our Earth and Sun consist of 5 different points in relation to the 2 bodies of mass. These same 5 points can be found in other systems of 2 large bodied masses. In our case one of the two masses is much larger than the other. In Robert Forwards book Rocheworld a similar set of points exist between 2 masses with very similar sizes. The points in Rocheworld have slightly different characteristics than that of our solar system, but the fundamental physical concepts still applies to both systems. Our Solar System In the system between our Earth and our Sun, which will herby be referred to as our system we have 5 Lagrange points named L-1 through L-5. Each point has a location and gravitational force characteristics that can be derived from various equations involving the mass of the 2 objects, and the distances from points to mass 1 and mass 2. Please keep in mind that the concept of Lagrange points comes from a system where the only forces acting upon objects at these points is gravitational forced from ONLY these 2 bodies of mass. The Lagrange system does not account for other unseen forces (weather patterns, external orbital forces, additional large bodied masses, etc.) The location of the L-1 point in our system is between the Earth and Sun, and it is very much closer to earth. In most cases, objects in orbit around a body take less time to orbit the closer they are to the object they are orbiting around. The L-1 point between the Sun and the Earth is one exception to this rule. The force exerted on an object at the L-1 point by the sun, is in part counter acted by the force exerted on the same object by the earth. This phenomenon slows the orbital velocity of the object at L1, and the result is an orbit with the same orbital period as earth. The object will now move in a synchronous orbit with earth, connected