Introduction I am on school holidays. I have entered a competition to win $200 dollars. The task is to build a mousetrap racer that can travel over 8 meters. In order to do this I need to research mousetrap racers to gain an understanding of how they work and what materials and designs will work best. I also need to build and modify my racer so that it can travel the furthest It can possibly go. Investigation For this project I am required to build a racer powered by a mousetrap, which can travel 8 metres. In researching for this task I have found many different designs of racers that incorporate a mousetrap, these including varied shapes and sizes, weights and number of wheels. During this research I have discovered the essential attributes of the car that is needed for it to travel 8 meters, The body must have minimal load as this well prevent it from being weighed down and acting slowly which will affect acceleration. The mousetrap needs an arm which pulls a pulley, this is attached by string, the longer the arm the more force is being pulled. I have observed that a racer needs to have at least 3 wheels to run, however I have seen designs with different configurations and wheels up to eight. However I have decided to use four wheels for my racer, two small wheels on the front and two large wheels at the back, I believe this will increase the rolling distance of the racer with the large wheels at the rear and acceleration at the front with a faster wheel spin. I have chosen to construct the body out of pine as it is a light material and is soft enough to cut and sand easily yet is strong enough for its intended purpose and is readily available. The wheels I will be using are two wheels I will recycle from last year’s design challenge: CO2 dragster, as these are lightweight and are perfect size. For the rear wheels I have chosen to use CD discs as these are large and have a thin contact patch which reduces weight, plus the undersi