
Genetically Modified Crops

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The debate on whether genetically modified (GM) food is right or wrong has been going on since 1983 when the first GM plant was produced using an antibiotic-resistant tobacco plant. Since then hundreds of different crops have been licensed and approved for both scientific use and commercial use. The likelihood of your everyday diet containing GM foods depends on which country you live in. Countries such as North America and Argentina have been growing GM crops commercially for over a decade now, however in Europe only two crops have been approved for cultivation due to public opposition. Scientists can now make crops larger, stay fresher longer, contain their own pesticides and added nutrients and there is even talk of crops being able to contain vaccines for diseases. The most widely grown GM crops are soya beans, corn and cotton. Could this bio-technology cure the worlds food problems and prevent millions of people from starving or is it just a way for global corporations to become even richer and more powerful by meddling with science we do not fully understand? Farmers have been changing the genetic information of plants for thousands of years by selectively breeding the best of each crop to increase farming efficiency and productivity to the point that almost every vegetable available in your local supermarket has been selectively farmed. From the humble wild cabbage plant we have created, the cabbage we know today, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower and broccoli. This method which takes hundreds of years can now be done in a matter of months by actually going inside the cell and changing the DNA of the plant in order to produce the desired effect. The Food Standards Agencies definition of a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) is altering the genes of a plant, animal or micro-organism, or inserting a gene from another organism. One of the biggest breakthroughs was when scientists inserted the gene found in the arctic flounder fish which helped it withstand sub-zero temperatures into a tomato to prevent them freezing overnight, thus saving farmers millions of pounds. However this kind of invasive

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