Eating healthy leads to a better lifestyle and generally makes you feel better. Not only does your body feel good after consistently eating good and working out but daily tasks become easier and you look better. Who doesn't want to have a toned body and say they're the healthiest they've ever been. Diets are no good though you must make lifestyle changes and keep up with the workouts or else everything falls apart. These changes will decide how you live the rest of your life and what kind of life you live. I have been on both sides, being overweight and being in really good shape. It's so easy and convenient to eat really bad and not exercise. Changing your daily diet is extremely tough and is very hard to get used to the first couple weeks. After the initial change things start to get easier and it becomes second nature to work out or eat the right way. Being healthy is way better than being out of shape; you don't get fatigued as fast you can do things with ease and your body feels great. Finding something that works for you is huge to accomplishing these goals. When you first begin working out you have to get into it easily and not jump to the highest weight or most drastic diet plan. Going to the gym three to four times a week and having a balanced diet of high protein and low fat foods will get you in shape in no time. Balance your workout with lifting weights and cardio which is a huge important part of losing weight and helps you build up your stamina levels. After a few months you should reach your goals and see a new you. You will have no regrets and will wake up in the morning and look in the mirror with disbelief that you are staring at yourself. Converting to a healthy and fit lifestyle is highly recommended. I know this because I used to be terribly out of shape and overweight. If there's anyone to persuade you to make these changes, it's me because I'm a perfect example of the effects of proper diet and exercise. Being able to play hockey or roof or even something simple as walk around campus without having to stop to catch my breath are things I thought I would never be able to do and were normal. I was never one to want to go to the beach or do anything that involved physical activity because I couldn't last long or didn't like the way I looked. Ever since my changes I am more active, always want to go out and do stuff and can do things I would have never imagined of doing. My family members