The word "crime" is defined as "an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction by the criminal justice system. (Free Dictionary) To control crime, to prevent crime and to provide and maintain justice are the three main goals of the criminal justice system. "Society places the burden of maintaining justice and protecting our communities on those who work for the three main institutions of the criminal justice system are divided into 3 major parts: Law enforcement, Court and Correctional System. (Gaines & Miller 9) To be able to understand the criminal justice system, the concept of Federalism needs to be understood first. Federalism means federal government and the states share the government powers; it is a form of government in which a written constitution provides for a division of powers between a central government and several regional governments. Federalism was a compromise that the framers of the U.S Constitution agreed on so tyranny and a too powerful centered government could not be possible. In order to be capable of handling large-scale problems they allowed appeals of federalism to establish a strong government. The power to coin money, raise an army and regulate interstate commerce was certain express powers that the Constitution gave the national government. Other powers were left to the states such as to create whatever laws are necessary to protect the health, morals, safety and welfare of the people that are in their states. Law enforcement is the first. It is known as the first line of action and is the most dangerous part of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement is important to the criminal justice system because it is made up of the local, state and federal agencies that employee thousands of men and women who are sworn to serve and protect the citizens of the United States. They usually operate independently, although if needed, each agency will cooperate with each other. Local law enforcements are responsible for the "nuts and bolts of law enforcement. Investigating majority crimes and attempting to reduce crime through patrols are some of the duties of local agencies. If necessary, they attend trials and apprehend criminals. Local police officers are also given the job of "keeping the peace which are traffic control solving minor conflicts and crowd control. State law enforcements have two types: state police and highway patrols. Highway patrols are concerned mainly with infractions on the freeways and highways. There are many other enforcers such as fire marshals. Federal law enforcement has expanded because of national anti terrorism, gun, drug and violent crime laws. Almost every federal agency has police power. Some agencies associated with Federal law enforcement are the FBI, DEA, Secret Service and ATF. These agencies operate throughout the country as well as provide support for local police departments. Without law enforcement, criminals are being favored and community standards are lowered. ("The Importance of ¦ 2010) The officers employed at Police stations are responsible for apprehending and securing men and women who have broken the law. They are also accountable for conveying charges against criminals and to make certain that the evidence are valid enough to hold up in a court of law. Maintenance of law and order is a prerequisite to the enjoyment of freedom in our society. Law enforcement is a critical responsibility of the criminal justice. Another aspect of law enforcement is building relationships with the community and the people that live i