Questions ?How does Shakespeare make lines 322-375 a significant moment in the play? Response Here, we meet Caliban, Prospero’s servant. He does all the manual labour on the island. He is not treated well by Prospero but he tries to justify his actions with the fact that Caliban had, by natural instinct, made an attempt to rape Miranda into order to ‘people’ the island. Caliban is Sycorax’s son, an evil witch who was forced to leave her land because her practice of witchcraft. She was not killed as would have been the case if she was not pregnant at the time, so she was simply banished an island. Because she was the first one to live on the island she had ownership rights. Caliban was the rightful owner of the island being Sycorax’s only child. Prospero annulled his rights when he came to the island and enslaved him. This introduces the theme of theme of colonisation which Shakespeare concentrates on in the play. Prospero was overthrown by his brother, Antonio and her Prospero does what was done to him. From then on, Caliban lives in fear of Prospero’s magic, knowing that if he pushed Prospero too far, horrible things would be done to him. Prospero interacts with Caliban in a harsh manner, he constantly rains him with animalistic insults because of the fact that he attempted to rape Miranda. Caliban, to his defence says t that the island needed population and that was what he was trying to do. Prospero however is having none of it. As a way to defend himself Caliban curses Prospero. ‘All the charms of Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you!’ (I.ii.340-341). However these curses have no effect on Prospero whatsoever. Caliban’s isn’t on good terms with Miranda either. She makes him recall how he taught him to speak so gracefully and eloquently in blank verse and scorns him for the way in which he returned her evil for the good she had done. She is not in control of Caliban but if Caliban ever tried to pull