
A Frightening Experience

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A frightening experience I had in my life was when I had heart surgery. I remember when the doctor first informed me that I had to actually have the surgery, I mean I knew that one day I would actually need it but the shock of it actually happening just a few months from now really frightened me at first. The days went by quicker than you'd think and before I knew it, the time came to go to Minnesota. The night before the big day my Mama, Daddy, Stepfather, And Papaw all went to eat at a nice restaurant and had a very good time. The morning of surgery, I had to take a shower with a special wash and while in the shower it hit me that the day actually was here. Surprisingly, I wasn't nervous. We took a taxi to the hospital and made our way upstairs to sign in. Shortly after signing in the nurse called us back and I started preparing by changing into my gown and the nurse gave me a cute ladybug doctors cap which made me feel a little more comfortable. My mama tried to be strong but you could tell she was a wreck but I was more worried about the aftermath. They wheeled me back to an operating room which was freezing. I switched beds and I remember the nurse asking me if I wanted my IV before or after the gas. I chose after of course and once the mask hit me, I started counting down from one hundred and didn't even make it to ninety-seven.I don't remember anything really for the next three days after surgery. Once I was able to realize where I was it was time to take the breathing tube out which wasn't any fun at all for anyone who wonders. The first few days were the worst but you have to start from somewhere. Coughing was one of the most painful things after surgery even with my heart pillow which they gave to all the patients. I didn't eat much, but at the moment I really didn't care and when I thought I wanted to eat my mom or dad would go get whatever I wanted which makes me a very lucky girl but by the time they got back I was passed

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