Each new generation of human beings revels in the belief that its members are in the midst of a revolution. They are working toward a momentous change for humankind. They are part of the dawning of a new era, one far different from, superior to, and more advanced than that of generations prior to theirs. Literature and history both are replete with stories of those who believe they are going to make the world a better place to live. As we see these idealists come to power, the question is whether they will in fact effectuate change or whether power in itself changes the individuals in power. In P.D. James' The Children of Men, Rolf initially speaks eloquently of the need for change but eventually he talks of his plans for when he becomes Warden are no different from Xan's. When Theo kills Xan, his focus immediately turns to how to maintain power for himself rather than what good he could do with his power. P.D. James' novel The Children of Men shows that although humans may initially see power as a means to remedy evil, they eventually become corrupted by the power they seize; remedying evil becomes secondary or inconsequential and the true motive is maintaining power and garnering more power. When Theo asks Rolf what his plan is when he becomes Warden and it is no different from that of the current Warden, and when Rolf abandons Julian and the others to alert the Warden of Julian's pregnancy, James puts an image into readers' minds of the tossing aside of ethics to keep power. In a conversation between Theo and Rolf about his plans for the Isle of Man and the Quietus, Theo begins: "Presumably you'll do something about pacifying the Isle of Man. "That's hardly a high priority. ¦ Theo said: "I imagine that's Lyppiatt's idea, too. ¦ ¦What about the Quietus? "I shan't interfere with people's liberty to kill themselves ¦. "The Warden of England would agree. 1 Before Julian became pregnant and power crept into Rolf's head, the bloodshed on the Isle of Man caused him "bitter anger. 2 Similarly, at the same point in the novel, Rolf believed that the state sho