
Wind Band Observation

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Today I had a chance to observe the very first class of Wind Band in the 6th Grade. The band had two sections Woodwind and Brass. All students walked in to the class room together and were asked to prepare their instruments and take a seat. The teacher started the class with presenting a big graphic organizer with all Wind Instruments on it. The superordinate word on the top was Wind Instruments. I understood that it was the very first class when different wind players were meeting together as a big size band. The teacher was talking about Wind Instruments in general and I thought it was a great idea to do on the first class of big band. I believe it gave an opportunity for all students to learn how many instruments were out there and how they all worked. Under the superordinate concept the teacher listed coordinate words that were Woodwind and Brasswind. The teachers goal was to give some knowledge about brass wind instruments to students who are playing woodwind instruments and to give knowledge about woodwind instruments to students who play brasswinds. The subordinate words were Flute, Reeds, Valve, Slide Instruments. I believe, the reason of teachers choice was to show students that even in woodwind section all instruments were very similar and very different at the same time as well as in the brass section all instruments were similar and different at the same time. All students had an opportunity to have some knowledge about all instruments that were playing in the band. Here is an example that came to my mind while I was observing: if the student is playing only flute and knows nothing about other instruments he/she perhaps thinks that all instruments are playing in the concert pitch with the lowest note Middle C and if there are less keys (valves) on the instrument it means it is easier to play on the instrument. Lack of knowledge about other instruments that are playing in the band can create misunderstanding why mistakes

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