
Democracy, Capitalism and Globalization

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"According to civic republicanism, the state acts legitimately only if it furthers the ˜common good' of the political community. . . . civic republicanism embraces an ongoing deliberative process, inclusive of all cultures, values, needs, and interests, to arrive at the public good. Civic republicans see the development of a conception of the common good as a fundamental purpose of democracy--a purpose necessary for individual self-identity and self-fulfillment. Civic republicanism also posits that no individual acting in her political capacity should be subservient to other political actors. Hence, the theory does not equate the public good that legitimates government action with majority rule. Social consensus about what is best for the community as a community, not as the aggregation of individuals' private interests, is the defining feature of the common good." (Seidenfeld 1992, 1528-29). People in a democracy must have some form of economic freedom. This means that the government allows some private ownership of property and businesses, and that the people are allowed to choose their own work and labor unions. The role the government should play in the economy is open to debate, but it is generally accepted that free markets should exist in a democracy and the state should not totally control the economy. Some argue that the state should play a stronger role in countries where great inequality of wealth exists due to past discrimination or other unfair practices (Amazing Race, 2009. p 2) Given this, it implies that Democracy has in it is the idea of private ownership, individual wealth, Individual success, Individual prosperity, Individual progress and individual pursuit. --- Individualism. Therefore, Democracy creates competition and these pressures individuals, corporations to pursue vigorously a larger of shares from other competitors. So therefore, there is a divide between those that have and those that have not in society thus, the persistence of inequality, poverty. These same features as seen in democracy (private ownership, individual prosperity, individual wealth, individual success, individual progresses are the features that promotes the capitalist system. As we all know, Capitalism breed competition and it is these competition to have that create these divide, varies gap in our society. And Out of the capitalist system grows an international economics system called globalization. Under Globalization, corporation further breeds that is breeding these various economic ideologies like the neo-conservative and neo-liberalism that Canada is practicing which eventually affecting social welfare policy in Canada. Because when, individual ownership, Individual success, private ownership, Individual prosperity, Individual progress are present in democracy via aggressive pursuit of wealth, its in turn create a wide gap of inequality in our society. The further Canada introduces a style of government that is to the left, the more capitalist it becomes. The more capitalist it becomes, the more the gap of inequality in Canada. That is why we still have poverty even in most industrialized state like Canada. Therefore, in a neo-capitalist or neo-conservative economy and globalization has brought in Canada a wider gap of inequality and great decline in Canada social welfare system. (Mullaly, 2008) “ especially when it became clear that globalization was producing extreme corporate profit that were leading to widening global disparities in wealth and well-being (Steger, 2003) Furtherance to these neo-conservative ideologies is machinery of economic globalization through its agencies controlling and weakening the Canada economy through it instrumentalities. These agencies which are in form of World trade organization, Multinational corporations, United Nations, North America Free Trade Agreement are in one form or the order inhibiting the economy of Canada as well as its s

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