You can choose to stop speaking to someone; however, you cannot stop communicating through nonverbal behavior. Nonverbal communication consists of all the wordless messages that people express to one another. However, there are no written rules regarding nonverbal communication since appropriate nonverbal behavior differs within context, culture, gender, and personality. We are all “a kind of transmitter that cannot be shut off” since “no matter what we do, we give off information about ourselves,” according to Looking Out Looking In (189). Since nonverbal communication is our primary mode for expressing emotions, it is simply impossible not to send and receive messages. It’s common for people to not be aware of their own implicit nonverbal communication, yet there are many ways we transmit this information. A humorous example of a nonverbal message is a so-called condition known as “bitchy resting face,” or BFR. A BRF usually consists of a blank facial expression that gives others a hostile, judgmental, or simply unpleasant impression, which the transmitter does it unintentionally. This expression garnered media attention when a fake PSA went viral, and I believe it shows the ambiguous nature of nonverbal behavior. From personal experience, I know my friend has a resting facial expression that causes constant questioning and has led to her apologizing for her face to customers at work. When we discussed this in class, the substitute teacher said she had to work on her own “BRF” and suggested gauging your facial expressions in the mirror and asking others for feedback. Facial expressions are part of the nonverbal behavior called kinesics, which also studies body orientation, posture, gestures, and eye contact. I find the most interesting subject to be microexpressions, which are concealed or rapidly processed emotions that usually last a fraction of a second; whereas macroexpressions last up to a couple seconds and i