Who said that movies couldn't be a reference for education? Yeah movies may be funny, scary, heartbreaking etc., but they always find a way to allow us to make connections. For instance, Groundhog Day serves as a great visual interpretation of Plato's teaching discussed in "The Phaedo." The main teachings that are showcases in this comedy are; recollection, opposites, indestructibility, reincarnation, and the cave. By illustrating Plato's teaching in the movie, we are able to see what being human is all about. Although some may argue that Aristotle embodies the idea of what being human is all about, Groundhog Day uses more of Plato's teaching that Aristotle's. The first argument that Plato introduced is recollection. This argument allows us understand how to process of learning works in humans. This same concept is seen through the main character; Phil. Phil uses recollection in many ways throughout the movie. Some examples are when he asks Nancy where she went to school and who her teacher was. The following day he walks up to her and recollecting the knowledge he acquired the day before he pretends he knows her. Another example is when day after day Phil keeps stepping into the puddle as he makes his way to the parade. On the third day he remembers that there is a puddle and just as he is about to walk into it he stops, waits for someone else to step on it, and calmly jumps over it. Now what exactly does Plato say recollection means? Recollection "is most commonly a process of recovering what has been already forgotten through time and inattention . (Plato 12). Since Phil is constantly reliving the same he begins to remember everything that happened "the day before . After repeating the same day over and over again it is kind of hard to forget what happened. So he begins using this to his advantage. He walks over the puddle, he remembers who Nancy was, he gets to know Rita, etc. Without interpretation it is hard to understand what Plato means through recollection. Thanks to Groundhog Day we can see how we as humans use recollection from prior experiences to make sure we don't make the same mistakes. Much like Phil did to walk over the puddle and avoid getting his foot soaked. Phil also demonstrated the argument of indestructibility very well in the