Conversion Disorder Involves the translation of unacceptable drives or troubling conflicts into bodily motor or sensory symptoms that suggest a neurological or other kind of medical condition. Factitious Disorder People fake symptoms or disorders, not for the purpose of any particular gain, but because of an inner need to maintain a sick role. Factitious Disorder by Proxy A person induces physical symptoms in another person is under that individuals care. It is obvious by studying all three of these disorders that serious consequences can arise from them. As we all know, untreated mental disorders can lead to severe consequences. We also know that they are all different and alike in some ways. In trying to compare the three of these given disorders, I will stick to some of the more obvious characteristics. Comparing and contrasting these disorders will show you the differences and similarities between the three. Conversion disorder vs. factitious disorders is different in the ways they affect the person involved. With conversion disorder, it is hard to say what particularly causes the symptoms that arise. The likelihood of conversion disorder presenting is rare, and very unlikely when compared with both kinds of factitious behaviors. When dealing with conversion disorder you will see people who have unusual circumstances arise in their lives, that seem to add to there prophecy that there lives are always experiencing some type of bad luck or happening. Then in fact when tremendous stress is to arrive, or something that could trigger a setback in there life, one of the other unusual things can come about; which is usually completely unrelatable to anything medically wrong. With conversion disorder, the symptoms or conditions usually can subside or fix themselves, but the overall incidence of them happening again does not. It was hard to understand just how conversion disorders could come about, but perhaps that is why the prevalence of them is so unlikely. Within Factious disorders it is heavily likely someone will develop this who has other psychological problems. The difference between this and proxy is that you are dealing with yourself vs. the feeling of so