The noise of the farm animals greets whoever walks down the dirt road. CRACKLE, SNAP, POP was the sound of the dying fire. New wood made a CRASH as it was added to the village fire. MOO, the village’s cows bellowed at the disturbing noise. Luckily, just in time, the fire was given its medicine before it took its last breath. Ashes from the fire decide to tag along with the breeze through Village Wedgemore. The small Village of Wedgemore was getting ready to eat supper. John, the cook of the village was cooking a curry soup for his villagers. Although, the village was only made up of cobblestone houses, it only had one kitchen. Pretty much the kitchen was a fire with a large pot on top of it. John was thinking of what else to put in the soup until someone interrupted his thoughts. “JohhhhnnnnnnnJohhhhhnnnnn!” shouted Sister Ray. “Hurry, Hurry, Ingrith is having the baby.” John went running as he followed Sister Ray lead him to his wife. But, right when he came to the doorway, he could see his born baby.” It is a girl.” Whispered Ingrith cheerfully. John’s eyes went into joyful tears as he saw his beautiful daughter. Magic is against the law in the era the villagers lived in. It is said that it is illegal to raise a child who can do magic or live with someone who can do magic. If you get caught hiding someone who could do magic you both would face the consequences. Either both of you would be executed or the warlock would be executed and you would be thrown into jail. So when you have a baby there is a certain test you have to give to see if the baby can do magic or not. John and Ingrith were positive that their baby was going to be able to magic because John and his father were born with magic. When you perform the test on your baby you first have to find something your baby would like and want. Then, you would place the baby and the item far away from each other. If your baby crawls to the item to retrieve it, then it cannot do magic. But, if your baby is born with magic, it will use a spell already programmed in its head, so they can levitate the item to them. So when their baby turned 1 years old they performed the test on her. John and Ingrith couldn’t believe their eyes when they witnessed their baby levitate her blanket to her. In their mind they denied their baby was a warlock. They thought what cruel things would happen if the village or even the soldiers of Kingdom Azmar knew that their child’s a warlock. So they decided to keep it a secret. They even decided that they would not even tell their daughter when she is older. So since then they didn’t want to ever bring it up ever again. 15 years later” Gwen!” Shouted Ingrith. “Guinevere, time to get up” “Zzzz-z-Zzzz-SssHgghSGg, I’m up” replied Gwen. Gwen rolled out her bed, falling her falling straight down to the dusty wood floor. Gwen stood up and walked toward her Mom, Ingrith, and said “Good Morning Mom”. “Good morning, how are you?” asked Ingrith. “I’m good Ma, what about you?” responded Gwen. “I was good before I had a whiff of your morning breath” snickered Ingrith. “Was that supposed to be funny?” retorted Gwen. “To me it was, but forget that you already know you have to get ready to go into town to get some groceries.” Replied Ingrith. “Oh, and also I need you to find my brown shoes out of my closet for our village meeting tomorrow, please.” Asked Ingrith “Yes Ma’am” Gwen replied. Ever since Gwen was little she has been “obsessed” in some type of way with her Mom’s closet. Ingrith’s closet is full of knick knacks, gifts, clothes, and all sorts of stuff. So whenever Guinevere gets a chance to look for something for her mom, she also gets a chance to do some snooping too. “Gwenn, I’ll be right back!” shouted Ingrith “Okay, mom” screamed back Gwen “Yes now I get to have some extra time to look in my mom’s closet” thought Gwen 12 minutes had passed since Gwen’s mother had left and the Gwen’s snooping session. Everything Gwen saw was nothing but boring, and boring, and..wait a minute here it comesBORING. Gwen was about to decide to call it quits, until she found a paper that was very interesting, but also shocking to see. “I know this can't be true what I'm seeing” thought Guinevere. “I'm back” shouted Ingrith. As Ingrith stepped into to doorway her smile no her face turned onto a puzzled one. "What's wrong honey”? Ingrith asked confusingly That’s when Ingrith knew something was up