
How To Self-Motivate

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There have many times where I was off course, and I took effective action. One of the times, I was most off course during my senior year of high school. I was off course because I had something what my high school teachers used to call "senioritis . Senioritis is when high school student lacks of studying, repeated absences, and procrastinate in their senior year. I think I got this habit because of the people I was hanging out with at that time; I had average score of 1400 in SAT, completed all the course I need to graduate high school, and I was already accepted to Penn State and Widener University. Some of the things I did to get off course where I started playing GTA V Online (Grand Theft Auto 5 Online) with my friends after school till mid night, stopped doing homework, and studying for test or quizzes. I remember that one weekend we played 24 hours non-stop when parent went to New York. I found out I was off course when I failed my AP Computer Science quiz and Calculus chapter test and teachers said they were disappoint with the score I got. I used to be good at those two classes and never had below B. Some of the changes I made to make get back on course were: I started to going back to my cousin as my tutor, I stopped playing GTA V, started doing my homework and study. When I was getting back on track I found out that I had three programs to write for Computer Science, my topic for graduation project due on the same day and Robotic competition. I was able to finish my assignment for Computer Science, but I picked random topic for my graduation project and had trouble my graduation projection. Because I picked the topic randomly it was difficult for me to find the source and information for my research. I didn't go the robotic competition with my team. They got third place and received medal, which I didn't get. I think my determination to be like sister; lead me to graduating high school and go to college to be Network

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