The story Jonathan Livingston Seagull is telling us, the readers, to always push yourself toward achieving your goals. To make yourself a little bit better every single day and to never give up on yourself. Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a seagull who never really fit in with the others; he would be the one who was looked down upon in the flock. To Jonathan, that wasn’t a big deal, he didn’t care what others thought. Jonathan cared about being the best he could be. He wanted to learn how to fly like the others and eventually become one of the best. Jonathan had one short wing which was a factor when flying. He couldn’t make moves very fast without that wing losing control. Jonathan was a skin and bones gull who spent more time practicing flying than looking for food, but he didn’t care. After finding out how to reach high speeds of flight he went to tell the flock what he had learned. Without even listening to him they all called on him and kicked him out of the flock. Jonathan (being an outcast) wasn’t grieved over this loss, but he was disappointed that he could not share what he had learned. He left and found better ways to catch food and practiced some more flying, by this point he had been flying over 200 M.P.H. One day two other white gulls came to Jonathan to take him to what he thought was Heaven, but turned out to be another world. These worlds got higher and higher by the skill level of the Gulls. Jonathan got better and better every day. Then he met Chaing. Chaing was the elder of this world; a very skilled and intelligent Gull who was very looked up to. Jonathan learned much from Chaing on flying. Chaing also told him about loving himself and others. Then one day Chaing disappeared. Jonathan became a teacher of six other outcast Gulls who needed guidance. They all looked up to Jonathan because of his skill and generosity. Jonathan taught them well and carried on what Chaing had taught him, and grew to l